
My background covers a wide array of job titles, including teacher, writer, content manager and social media strategist, plus a ten-year stint as owner of The Poor Yorick Shakespeare Catalogue (and a very funky cd & video store) in Stratford, Ontario.

Since then, I have focused mostly on content management, information architecture, and social media in industries as diverse as healthcare, financial services, retail, broadcast equipment manufacturing, and telecommunications.

As a freelancer, I’ve worked with national and international consumer brands, written an interactive children’s story for a global toy manufacturer, and produced a wide range of integrated advertising campaigns, contests, and promotions for international brands. I have also researched and prepared data for numerous lit reviews on AI and the future of work and devised interactive training programs for medical professionals.

Oh, yes, and I code, too.

For more information, you can find me on LinkedIn,  or request a current resume and my portfolio.  For a more general overview, read Adventures in Content Marketing.